
Unfortunately, these days an adult emerging from childhood without trauma seems to be an anomaly. Childhood and adult trauma can range from moving to a new school, divorce, sexual abuse, or complex relationship trauma due to emotional neglect of a primary caregiver. When adults with unresolved childhood traumas experience a new trauma (like emotionally abusive relationships, loss, grief, or sexual assaults), their body begins to tell them that enough is enough and symptoms that present in panic attacks, depression, or depressive episodes can occur. Each of the instances mentioned above wreak havoc on our nervous system. When your nervous system has been in survival status of fight fight freeze of fawn for extended periods of time, your body will let you know in a variety of ways. Chronic illness, chronic pain, emotional disregulation, and even more severe body symptoms. Clients suffering from a trauma background demand a protocol with an integrative approach. I am trained in using EMDR from an attachment approach, with an understanding of how the nervous system is impacted through trauma.

 EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is an integrative method that combines attachment research, neuroscience, and sensory methods that essentially work with the goal to heal and retrain the brain’s processing of the initial trauma. From an attachment lens and childhood emotional neglect treatment plan, a therapist works with the client by first determining attachments and disassociations imprinted from early childhood mistreatments or perceptions of mistreatments. As a result, the patient has been unable to develop healthy thriving attachment strategies and instead had to manage feelings of shame, fear, sadness, and anger by dissociation, withdrawal or acting out. This survival strategy carries them into adulthood, where then the adult finds self in my office.

Trauma & EMDR

*Group Therapy*

Hidden abuse leaves bruises and scars that outsiders cannot see. Trauma and severe anxiety results from years of relational trauma from childhood, or from a present-day relationship. This group is for you if you are OR have been involved in a toxic relationship, are currently in recovery from leaving a toxic relationship, have history of an emotionally abusive caregiver, co-parent with an emotional abuser, have history of spiritual or financial abuse, AND desire insight into unhealthy personal patterns. My intention is to inspire your personal victory in recovery.

Healing from Emotional Abuse

Dealing with the aftermath of a Pathological Love Relationship (PLR) can feel overwhelming and lonely. You likely feel like there are no friends who understand the chaos of what you have been through. You are correct… unless they have been through something similar, they don’t understand. This type of hidden abuse leaves bruises and scars that the outsiders cannot see. Without a doubt, the complexity and severity of trauma you have experienced from your PLR has left you completely blind sighted. Your body was telling you all along, but your mind could not make sense of anything. You have probably felt that no one else in the world has been through what you have experienced. This group is for you! This group is beneficial for you if you are currently or have been involved in a toxic relationship, are currently in recovery from leaving a toxic relationship, have history of an emotionally abusive caregiver, co-parent with an emotional abuser, have history of spiritual or financial abuse, AND desire insight into unhealthy personal patterns. My intention is to equip and inspire your personal victory in recovery. This ongoing group is a great way to not only build a community of support, but also learn new tools for coping, gray-rocking, boundary making, and managing life in the midst of emotional or narcissistic abuse recovery. REACH OUT! You are welcome here.

Toxic Relationships

Pyschological Abuse Recovery

Healing from hidden abuse is isolating and lonely. No one understands the trauma you have endured, because your abuser did a fantastic job to hide the insidious behaviors. Half the time, you wonder if you could just be making the whole thing up in your mind. If you are experiencing or have experienced trauma from pathological love relationships, have a narcissistic parent or coworker, or you have been a victim of spiritual abuse, then it is time for your healing. It is time to learn new tools for taking care of you, whether you choose to stay in the relationship or to let it go. I can help you no matter what you decide. REACH OUT!

Coparenting is not a competition. It is a collaboration of two homes working together with the best interest of the child at heart. Let’s work for your children, not against them.

When it comes to a child’s sense of family, what a divorce breaks apart, a strong co-parenting alliance can rebuild. Research says that while the divorce can be difficult for children, it is the ongoing parental conflict that can be devastating. My passion is helping kids of divorce not feel stuck in the middle of contention, and help parents learn new ways to respectfully communicate, amicably move forward, calm fears, and manage strong emotions. The ultimate goal after all is to continue to raise healthy thriving children.

Going from being a spouse to a “former spouse” is difficult to say the least. Navigating this transition with children magnifies the difficulties, and it demands much support and education. Parents, you require neutral support in coordination of family re-structuring. Children need support in transition between homes, processing their new normal, grief, and recovery. It is a fragile time. I will assist and support you every step of the way.

Redefine Divorce

Post Divorce

Contrary to wide spread beliefs, divorce does NOT in fact “ruin” a family. Many factors contribute to potential devastation of family unit outside of the dissolution of the marital contract. These factors are all within the former spouses control. My goal in divorce adjustment therapy is to assist my clients in reducing parental conflict, building resiliency for the children and former spouses, as well as assisting in formation of a new kind of family unit post divorce. Mavis Hetherington’s groundbreaking research that followed families for twenty plus years post divorce, concluded that former spouses control whether or not divorce ruins families. Hetherington’s research also suggests that staying married for the kids sake alone can also contribute to the breakdown of the family.

I assist my post divorce clients with grace, compassion, and practical coaching as they navigate their new normal. Whether they are the “rejector or rejectee,” grief is present. My goals involve stabilizing their emotional well being, navigating new relationships, career changes, and potential economic issues.