Undeserved Surprises: A Lesson in Grace

A journal reflection from a mother’s heart

Today, the Lord taught me something beautiful. In His tender and gentle way—because He is always a gentleman—He reframed my heart to remind me that it’s never about me, but always about Him.

As a mom, my journey with my children, Lily and Tripp, has been one of the greatest blessings of my life. Through them, I’ve learned so much about God’s love, His forgiveness, His grace, His relentless pursuit of us, and His unconditional love. In guiding me as a parent, He has also guided me closer to Him—teaching me lessons about redemption, second (and third and fourth) chances, and how His grace shows up in the everyday moments.

One particular memory comes to mind, and it’s a story of unexpected joy and grace.

The kids were very young, and it was a spring afternoon after school. Tripp and Lily were outside playing with friends while I was in the kitchen prepping dinner. That’s when I heard the sound—the unmistakable chimes of the ice cream truck circling the neighborhood, sparking cheers from every child within earshot.

I sighed. “Overpriced ice cream, and before dinner,” I thought. “Not happening.”

Soon, their little faces bounded through the door, eyes bright with excitement as they pleaded, “Please, Mommy, can we get ice cream?”

I dismissed their request with a practical, “We have free ice cream here, and you can have some after dinner.”

But they persisted. “PLEEEEASE, Mommy!”

Their enthusiasm wore me down just a little. “Okay,” I said, softening. “But if you want it, you’re paying for it, and you have to wait until after dinner.”

Before I even finished my sentence, they sprinted upstairs to raid their piggy banks, hoping to gather enough coins before the truck moved on. I shook my head, grumbling about how it would spoil their dinner, when suddenly, I felt it—a gentle tug in my heart.

“So what?” came the quiet whisper. “So what if they spoil their dinner?”

I knew it was God speaking to me, and in that moment, I felt an unexpected urge to surprise my kids with a gift. While they were still upstairs frantically counting their coins, I grabbed my wallet, dashed outside, and caught the ice cream truck just in time. I bought the treats I knew they loved: Mickey Mouse ears on a stick and a blue raspberry rainbow popsicle.

When they came back downstairs, their faces fell for a brief moment, realizing the truck had passed. But then I shouted, “Surprise!” and held up the overpriced treasures.

Their joy was instant and contagious. They beamed with excitement, and I let them eat the treats right away—dinner be forgotten for the moment. Watching their delight, I felt an overwhelming joy of my own.

Later, as I reflected on the moment in my journal, God brought it full circle for me.

“You see, just as it brought you joy to surprise your children, how much more joy does it bring Me to surprise you? I love to lavish you with gifts too, just because I love you—no other reason.”

What a humbling reminder of His grace, His love, and His goodness. It was a small moment, but it carried a big lesson: God’s love for us is extravagant, and His desire to bless us is born out of pure love, not because we’ve earned it, but simply because we are His.

This story is just one of the many ways God has used my children to teach me about His character. Through Lily and Tripp, I am continually reminded of His love, grace, and the joy of giving. I am so grateful for the gift they are—not just to me, but to the world.

It’s not about me. It’s about Him. And in His love, He’s given me the privilege of being their mom.

To Lily and Tripp: I love you more than words can express. Thank you for being living, breathing reminders of God’s grace in my life.


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Gift of Forgiveness